Lantronix Xport

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Revision as of 20:22, 24 October 2009 by Arco (talk | contribs) (→‎What?)

LanTronix XPort


I manage to get a few of these and after some annoying searches on google I noticed there is not so much known about these little ethernet/serial/webservers.


It's a very small 3,3Volt brick with ethernet, 1 serial and 3 GPIO lines. It is also capable of sending mail and creating serial tunnels.


using the serial tunnel is easy, just telnet to port 10001.


This made me happy. until I noticed all the cool stuff was hidden behind NDA's and the SDK. Lucky for me the manual and a japanese guy got me started on programming them with perl. See XPort GPIO from Perl.

Firmware upgrade

The firmware upgrade procedure is very detailed in the manual. The upgrade rom is only needed for upgrading from old systems AFAIK.

tftp -i put xpt03upg_v21a.rom X2
tftp -i put xpt03_6602.rom X5
tftp -i put gen_xpt_webm_1701.cob WEB1

There is a rom part and a web part. The web part is user-modifiable to create a web interface XPort.
