Isl3893-Y.A.R.C - Yet another ReCovery-HOWTO

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Recovering an isl3893-AP after a bad firmware-flash

See Ruben's page:

  • section "Flashing large firmware images"
  • section "Recovering the AP from a bad firmware image"

You can use either Safe Mode or a recovery image

Safe Mode

Turn AP off, press the reset-button, keep it pressed and switch back on. The AP will then respond to IP, TFTP and ping only. You can then upload a firmware image. (Set you PCs IP accordingly, of course :-)

On windows: tftp -i PUT <name of firmware imagefile>

On linux: tftp verbose trace binary put <name of firmware imagefile> quit

Uploading this way takes 1-2 minutes, the LAN-LED flashes very fast during that time. Then the AP should automatically reboot. It may then take another 2-3 minutes before the AP responds again.

It helps to have a sniffer listening to the LAN-interface of the PC. You can immediately see if TFTP is uploading the firmware, and later when the AP is back online you may be able to see broadcasts, DHCP-discovery packets or other network-traffic to/from the AP. Usually you can see the current IP of the AP, in case you are unsure.

You may get the error-message "firmware image exceeds flash-size". In that case see section Recovery Image

Recovery Image

Get a small firmware-image like apfw.minimal.img

apfw.minimal.img usually fits